60255 Townhouse Townhome For Sale Phra Khanong-Khlong Toei-Bangkok
- Total area : 24 Sqw.
- 3 Baths
- 3 Beds
- 4 Floor
- $17,900,000 ฿
- Owner pay specific business tax or stamp duty
- Half transfer fee (1% each)
Last updated more than 30 days
- Total area24 Sqw.
- Beds3
- Number of floors4 Floor
- Baths3
- DirectionInside the project view
- ProvinceBangkok
- AmphurKhlong Toei
- DistrictPhra Khanong
- LocationGoogle Map
Property layout
- Air Condition + Remote
- Common Fee
- Wardrobe
- Sofa
- Bed and Mattress
- Desk + Chair
- Dressing Table
- Kitchen Built-in
- Washing Machine
- Refrigerator
- Microwave
- Electric Stove + Hood
- TV + Remote
- Bathtub
To inspect the property for sale
- Anytime can make appointment to inspect
- Please send your ID Card or Passport for documents permission to visit the property
Remark : Payment must be Tranfer to Condothai's bank account only.
Siam Commercial Bank (SCB)
Branch : Avenue Ratchayothin
ACC Name : Condothai Co.,Ltd
Acc No. : 4067011525
Siam Commercial Bank (SCB)
Branch : Avenue Ratchayothin
ACC Name : Condothai Co.,Ltd
Acc No. : 4067011525
[51160] Townhouse Townhome For Sale Phra Khanong-Khlong Toei-Bangkok
Sale8,500,000 ฿
Last updated more than 30 days
[60255] Townhouse Townhome For Sale Phra Khanong-Khlong Toei-Bangkok
Sale17,900,000 ฿
Last updated more than 30 days
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